#BEDIA: A-Z Film List (Day 22)


There are an infinite amount of films out there. Most of them are rubbish, a few are good and a handful are masterpieces. Let’s see if I can fill an A-Z list of films. I’ll try to do them as recommendations, however, some letters may leave me with very few options.

A. Ant-Man (2015)

I’m trying to keep away from superhero films on this list, but this comedic Marvel film is easy to watch and makes me laugh every time.

B. Brassed Off (1996)

An endearing tale about a brass band from Yorkshire what’s not to love.

C. Castaway (2000)

I think this is one of Tom Hanks’ best films. It’s a classic and must be seen by all.


D. Dark Knight, The (2008)

In my opinion, this is the best Batman film ever made. I love the Nolan Trilogy and Ledger is just incredible as The Joker.

E.Empire Stikes Back (1980)

Star Wars had to be in here somewhere. The second film of the orginal trilogy is clearly the best, with awesome action and a cliff hanger!

F. Fully Monty, The (1997)

Another great British comedy about male strippers. magic Mike eat your heart out.


G. Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014)

This film is beautifully shot and incredibly funny. Ralph Fiennes is amazing and there is nothing about this film I dislike.

H. Hot Fuzz (2007)

Again, I had to include something from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This may not be the best of the “Cornetto Trilogy”, but it’s still pretty damn good.

I. Inception (2010)

This film is so insanely complicated, but once you clock on it’s  fascinating. Very well produced and well performed.


J. Jurrasic Park (1993)

A true classic from Speilberg here. One of mytop favourites of all ttime. Plus is has an awesome theme, whcih may or may not be my ringtone.

K. Knights Tale, A (2001)

This is what taking an idea and flipping it on its head looks like. A great comedy about a knight’s unconventional quest for greatness.

L. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

This heartwarming, and delightful story is perfect in my eyes. The casting is incredible, it’s beautifully filmed. Each charceter is three dimentional and has their own story to tell. This is definitatly a must see.


M.Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979)

I needed to sneak some Python in here somewhere. This is the best of the Monty Python films in my eyes. It’s funny, bizarre and was banned in several countries upon release: classic Python.

N. Naked Gun (1988)

Speaking of bizzare; words cannot quite capture what Naked Gun is. If you watch it now it’s very dated and most jokes aren’tr funny, but the slapstick and madness will always get a laugh from me.

O. O’ Brother Where Art Thou? (2000)

George Cloony stars as an escaped convict, and travels across the US with his dim-witted companions on a hilarious journey. This film has a great sound track and is full of quotable moments.


P. Pulp Fiction (1994)

Another favourite of all time. The best Tarrintio out there, as it just set a standrd that all others had to match. Full of fantastic scenes and interesting charcters.

Q. Quantum of Solace (2008)

Now this is my least favourites of Craig’s Bond films. So istead I’ll talk about how good Skyfall is, right?!

R. Revenant, The (2015)

Leo 100% desereved his Oscar for this performance. To make a film with so little dialogue interesting, tense and dramtic takes skill. Plus is beautifully shot and has some great scenes.  I did a post comparing The Revenant to it’s 80s conterpart for Scenome, check it out here.


S. Submarine (2010)

This is an incredible indie film, directed by Moss from the IT Crowd. It’s a funny and accurate coming of age film, which is so very British.

T. Trainspotting (1996) / Toy Story (1995)

I couldn’t decide between the two. These are my two favourite films of all time.

Toy Story is my childhood, and Trainspotting is the film which made me realise my love for cinema. Both hold special and different places in my heart. Also, I’m very excited fo Trainspotting 2, which is comming very soon.

U. Up (2009)

I was limited for U, but Up is truly a great film. One of Pixars best orginal. Showing how inspirational a simple story can be.


V. N/A

I don’t have one for V. But Virtigo is meant to be incredible. I’ll watch it and update the list.

W. We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)

This story blew me away when I saw this film. It’s a shocking story, that is portrayed so well. The actors truly capturte the feeling that this bioraphical thriller is all about.

X. X-Men (2000)

I enjoy the X-Men films. They’re not my favourites, but what else starts with X?

Y. Yes Man (2008)

Again, limited for choice here. Yes Man is a good old fashioned American comedy. Jim Carry is his wacky self and it has a good message in the end. No Bruce Almighty though.

Z. Zulu (1964)

Finally, Zulu. The orgin of my online persona. This film stars the incredible Michael Cane in the war against the Zulu’s. Contains a beautifully heartwarming end scene, and some great traditional Western-esque action shots.



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